Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Do pesticide residues in food pose a significant risk to consumer Essay

Do pesticide residues in food pose a significant risk to consumer health - Essay Example Moreover, those involved in pesticides application are also protected by modern EU regulation on pesticides. What is more important is the finding that personal protection of individuals against pesticides in food together with EU regulations guarantees human health protection. These conclusions were made on the basis of literature review of contemporary scientific works and researches (books, scientific journals, texts of EU regulations, on-line journal articles, statistic data etc). Thus a holistic approach to reduction of harm caused by pesticides in food is the only one possible way out to save our harvests and lives. Introduction Fruits and vegetables are known all over the world as the healthiest food. This kind of nutrition enforces human organism in order it could resist cancer and heart attacks (Weichenthal, Moase and Chan, 2010). Fruits and vegetables are considered full of vitamins and minerals. Different phytochemicals and fiber of fruits and vegetables build a protective shell inside a human organism. Unfortunately, the world is developing at full speed, population is growing and developed technologies enable food producers to enrich harvest to the greatest extent. For this purpose agricultural sector is focused on pesticide usage in fruits and vegetables nurture. ... In accordance with the latest data, America is stricken by a burst of illnesses, such as â€Å"hepatitis A from strawberries,  Cyclospora  from raspberries, and E. coli- infection from alfalfa sprouts and lettuce† (Alarcon et al. 2005, p.456). Pesticides in food: risk measurement Availability of pesticide tests in America leaves much to be desired. Carcinogenicity as a damaging effect caused by pesticides is acclaimed in America and such kind of tests is usually conducted. What about reproductive effects and other chronic diseases? Less than 21% of pesticides used in America have been tested and of course public is not sure whether it consumes healthy or hazardous food (No Evidence of Health Benefits 2009). A lack of proper financing restricts pesticide testing in America. It is possible to suppose that every consumer of fruits and vegetables is potentially at risk and is not even aware of the real hazard caused by pesticides. Farmers are at the greatest risk, because they work with pesticides directly. In accordance with statistics, farmers, railroads and electrical lines workers suffer from leukemia or cancer of the lymphatic system (No Evidence of Health Benefits 2009). Lung cancer is a disease which is often met among pesticide applicators while farm workers suffer from liver cancer and leukemia. In accordance with researches conducted by German scientists and researchers, usage of pesticides, PCBs, dioxin act hazardously as well as endocrine disrupters do. Moreover, the most dangerous types of food are â€Å"strawberries, cherries, apples, Mexican cantaloupe, Chilean grapes, raspberries, apricots, peas, peaches, nectarines, and spinach† (Castorina et al. 2010, p. 18). These types of food are exposed

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